Biomechanics, Avant-Garde and Meyerhold's Theatre CategoriesEducation Social Program What we do

Biomechanics, Avant-Garde and Meyerhold’s Theatre

Last week, Accent Network and Fool House organized a fascinating event – a meeting with the passionate researcher of biomechanics and Russian avant-garde, Dr. Paul DeVita. Not only enthusiasts of Russian avant-garde and theater attended the lecture, but also leading employees from the laboratories of “Nike” company, who actively apply the laws of biomechanics in […]

CategoriesEducation Social Program What we do

Oscar-Nominated Films Unite Our Community: A Cinematic and Linguistic Journey at Accent Cinema Hall

In a world where movies are often watched in solitude on streaming platforms, the Accent Cinema Hall has emerged as a beacon of togetherness and cultural integration. Hosting a series of joint screenings featuring films nominated for Oscars this year, this beloved venue has not only entertained but also facilitated meaningful connections among its diverse […]

CategoriesEducation Medical Social Program What we do

What we need to know about social programs, medical insurance, and benefits in Oregon?

Accent Network and Russian-speaking representatives of the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) is running the event “What we need to know about social programs, medical insurance, and benefits in Oregon?” In two days, there were presentations about Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, ERDC, LTCS, and other programs. The event was for the following people: Aging and […]